Huli’tun Health Society has been providing Meals on Wheels to Elders three days a week, upholding food safety and physical distancing protocols. The Elders appreciate the opportunity to connect with staff, even at a distance.
Huli’tun Health Society has also launched a home craft program, delivering craft supplies to community members by mail or drop off with safety protocols. Birdhouse kits was a popular craft, with 57 community members requesting kits. A video on assembling the birdhouse was posted on Facebook and many households came together to assemble the birdhouse as a family. Up next in the craft program is supporting an Elder to record an online workshop series on traditional medicine crafts with local plants found in backyards.
One-on-one mental health counselling is being offered by distance. An online mental health workshop series is also being offered. Meals on Wheels supports Elders, Home Care clients, and vulnerable individuals by providing nutritious food and social connection. Meals on Wheels ensured that Elders feel supported, cared for, and cherished. The brief social connection with staff, even at a distance, is invaluable.