To support the health of our community members, meat was distributed to all on-reserve and surrounding members. A monetary amount to cover food costs was sent to distant reserve members. Fish was also distributed to all on-reserve members.
Easter baskets were distributed to all the children on-reserve and the surrounding area. Cultural kits are being prepared with medicines and craft and will be delivered to each household.
White Feather Family Centre (WFFC) is the EOC centre. WFFC continues to provide medical and health services with staff including doctor, nurse and nurse practitioner, Health Administrator, and administrative assistant.
In the Elders Centre, a cook and two community care aides prepare two weekly meal services delivered to the homes of our Elders aged 65+. On Mondays, we also prepare and deliver a one week supply of breakfast to each K-12 student.
Two Urban Liaison Workers are assisting with information and services related to benefits. An information worker will be assisting with the government benefit for community and surrounding area. The Wellness Coordinator will be doing wellness check-ins with youth by phone and Zoom.
We are targeting supports for community members of all ages and locations on- and off-reserve. Our initiatives are intended to support the health and wellness of community members during this time and ensure everyone feels supported, connected, and cared for.
Resources have been provided by Indigenous Services Canada, FNHA, funds from BC First Nations Gaming Revenue Sharing Limited Partnership, and Own Source Revenue.
As a remote community with no taxi or bus service, it is difficult for community members to get into town and now they are required to stay home due to the pandemic. Direct delivery of nutritional foods, water, prescriptions, and cultural medicines has ensured that the health and wellness needs of our community members are safely met.
The EOC has helped make processes more coordinated and efficient, ensuring initiatives are implemented. Having a Communicable Disease Emergency Response Plan (formerly Pandemic Influenza Plan) in place has been very valuable, and some alterations were made to the plan by learning from other communities during COVID-19 calls with Health Directors, FNHA, Interior Health, Chief and Council.