First Nations Health Directors Association

FNHDA Wise Practices

Sts’ailes Yeqwethet Aylexw COVID Outdoor Challenge

May 6th, 2020

The Sts’ailes Yeqwethet Aylexw COVID Outdoor Challenge is designed to maintain healthy activity in community while practicing physical/social distancing. It is run by our Aylexw staff who are on a work-from-home arrangement. The program uses Facebook for participation. We used our existing Facebook page to attract community members and non-community members to join. 

The challenge is simple: post a picture on the newly created group page demonstrating positive, healthy outdoor activity while practicing physical/social distancing. Each eligible post is entered into a weekly draw for prizes. Prizes include gift cards and other items such as bikes, exercise gear, and other outdoor play equipment. Random draws are done throughout the challenge to keep the interest up.

This initiative is addressing health and wellness needs of our community and the importance of physical/social distancing during this pandemic. We are trying to address alternative ways of taking care of our mental health as well.

The photos are increasing motivation for people we wouldn’t normally see being active. It is promoting family connections and land-based wellness. People are getting out onto the land more often than we’d normally see in our community. Activities include: walks in nature, jogging, biking, fishing, medicine harvesting, kids playing out in their yards, walking their dogs, and more.


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